
On Saturday, April 21, Georgia Democrats held elections throughout the state to determine our district-level candidates to the Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, in September.  Because I believe in being and have always been civically and politically engaged, because I support the guiding principles and platform of the Democratic Party of Georgia (DPG), and because I want to do everything I can to propel the reelection of President Barack Obama, I decided to run for a delegate position to represent the state of Georgia.  I was so excited!

As one of thirty-six people in my district who ran for seven slots–four for women and three for men, I knew it would be a competitive process.  Despite my first effort and best attempt, voters chose other individuals to represent our district.  Georgia Delegates for the 13th Congressional District are as follows:  Georgia State Senator Gail Davenport, Georgia State Senator Donzella James, Georgia State Representative Alisha Morgan, 13th District Chair for the GDP Melissa Prescott Crawford, Rev. Wilbur Purvis, Kevin Thomas, and Rev. Maurice Madden.  Congratulations to the delegates!  More than what I would have ever imagined, my participation in this process has been a memorable, eye-opening, and game-changing experience for me.

I want to thank everyone for their support, encouragement, calls, emails, social media posts and prayers.  Throughout this endeavor I have felt so much love!  It is because of my family, friends, supporters, and advisers that I have the vision, courage, fortitude, purposefulness and drive to embrace and strive for the infinite possibilities before me.  Thank you to all of the people who compel me to live up to all that God has created me to be!

Categories: Opinion pieces

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