
Top 12 Takeaways from the DNC 2016

Categories: Opinion pieces

The Democratic National Committee hosted a spectacular convention this year. Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The Democratic National Convention occurred July 25-28, 2016. Similar to my experience with the Republican National Convention, although for different reasons, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the DNC proceedings. The entire program appealed to me, especially its captivating keynote speakers. There were […]

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Top 10 Takeaways from the RNC 2016: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Categories: Opinion pieces

The Republican National Committee wrapped up its biggest event last week, having convened in Cleveland, Ohio, July 18-21, 2016. As I had imaged as well as predicted in my previous post, the Republican National Convention was “unlike any other that I have ever seen…unpredictable and full of unanticipated surprises.” Interestingly, there exists no one word […]

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Cleveland: The Circus is Coming to Town!

Categories: Opinion pieces

EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!!! Cleveland, the circus is coming to town! “The Trump Vanity Circus” has finally made it to Cleveland, and it promises to be well worth the wait! The show is going to be full of delightful entertainment with its highly anticipated attractions along with the unpredictable surprises that always appear […]

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TRUMPENSTEIN: The Origins of the Monster Republicans Created

Categories: Opinion pieces

It is abundantly clear. The Republican Party has created a monster. They have “trumped up” a real life monster, one more terrifying and menacing than any that has appeared in frightening horror films or our wildest childhood imaginations: Trumpenstein! Who and what is Trumpenstein? Trumpenstein is a man-made creation, invented by shameful segments of the […]

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Casting a Wider Net: History PhDs, Change Your Perspective!

Categories: Opinion pieces

There are so many careers that individuals with a Ph.D. in history can pursue. We possess a myriad of valuable skills and abilities needed in every sector of our society. Recently, I published an article in Perspective on History, The Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association, arguing this point. In this essay I highlight the […]

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Finding, Funding and Attending Conferences as a Graduate Student

Categories: Opinion pieces

Interview with Scholar Studio, April 2016 I recently conducted an interview with Scholar Studio to discuss the importance of graduate students attending professional meetings and conferences. As an educator who teaches students strategies for college success, I have always promoted the value of students participating in organizations and conferences in their respective disciplines and areas […]

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Top 10 Takeaways from the American Historical Association Annual Meeting 2016

Categories: History Profession

Last month I attended the American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, January 7-10, 2016. This year’s meeting was an absolutely spectacular event! With over 13,000 members the AHA is the largest professional organization devoted to the study and promotion of history and historical thinking in the United States. A massive event, the […]

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Cam Newton, Cultural Difference, and the NFL—the “No Fun League”

Categories: Opinion pieces

 “People don’t dance no mo.” – Goodie Mob Super Bowl 50 weekend is here! The game promises to be a memorable one—the Denver Broncos vs. the Carolina Panthers, the “Sheriff” vs. “Superman.” Yet, despite all of the excitement, this historical moment has been unnecessarily tarnished due to the criticism directed at Carolina’s quarterback Cam Newton. Specifically, sports […]

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Rhesa Houston, DVM

Rhesa Houston, DVM, is a practicing veterinarian in Birmingham, Alabama, where she serves as Chief of Staff at her hospital.  Rhesa is a general practitioner focusing on small animals.  Her interest is in public health.

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AHA Panel w/ Ramona Houston (Photo by Marc Monaghan)


Every modern enterprise should have a social impact mission and strategy—a purpose-driven intention to positively impact society. Many companies, however, lack the resources and expertise to implement their social impact visions.  My services are designed to help corporations, nonprofits, public figures (athletes and entertainers), and institutions of higher education to fulfill their role in social […]

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