
Welcome to College!

Categories: General Topics

Welcome to college! Congratulations! You are one of the few and fortunate who have this wonderful opportunity! ​ Since you are in college for only a limited time, you must do all you can to maximize and enjoy your experience. As an avid advocate and supporter of higher education, I am here to make sure […]

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Rise with the Spirit of Expectancy

Categories: Inspirational Mondays

Everyday, rise with the Spirit of Expectancy! Expect a great day! Expect the fulfillment of your desires! Expect the Universe to do something spectacular in your life today! Expect your Inheritance—every good thing that God has for you! Expect miracles! Expect abundance! In fact, expect abundance in every area of your life! Expect abundant love, […]

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Charlottesville: A Gift to America

Categories: Opinion pieces

“We do not choose our history, but we choose what we honor and celebrate…” – Dr. Gregory Fenves, University of Texas President America and the world were in utter shock last weekend as we watched violence erupt in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the controversy to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee from one of the […]

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My Evening Prayer

Categories: Inspirational Mondays

Since I have shared My Purpose Prayer, which is my daily morning prayer, I also thought it a good idea to share my evening prayer as well. It is a good habit to have not only a morning prayer and prayers throughout the day, but an evening prayer as well. Every evening before I go […]

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My Daddy

Categories: General Topics

To all of our family, friends and colleagues, thank you very much for the outpouring of love and support that you have showered on our family during the past few days. My loving father, Cecil Hunter Houston, passed on Thursday, July 20, 2017, in Atlanta. Your calls, visits, hugs, kisses, cards, texts, emails, Facebook posts, […]

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League of United Latin American Citizens 88th Annual Convention

This month I attended the 88th National Convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) held in San Antonio, July 3-8, 2017. Founded in Texas in 1929, LULAC is the oldest civil rights organization of the Latino American community. Its mission is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health […]

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My Purpose Prayer

Categories: Inspirational Mondays

Background to Inspirational Mondays Around fifteen years ago, I wrote a morning prayer to invoke Divine Guidance, Divine Assistance and Divine Power for my work day. Since I often discuss my spiritual revelations, a few years ago my friend Paty encouraged me to share them with a wider audience to inspire and encourage others. After […]

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Papa’s Grandpets: Healing Impacts of the Human Animal Bond

Categories: General Topics

As a veterinarian I have taken an oath to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge. I swore to practice […]

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When and How Did Bill Maher Earn the License to Use the “N” Word???

Categories: Opinion pieces

My mother and I watch “Real Time with Bill Maher” together every week. It is one of the special mother-daughter moments we enjoy regularly. Every weekend we pull out our blankets and pour our wine or coffee and then watch the show. We particularly enjoy our post-show analysis, where we have an extended conversation about […]

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