Dr. Robin Chapdelaine: Exploring how children have been used as economic vehicles
In this episode Ramona talks to Dr. Robin Chapdelaine about her recently published book The Persistence of Slavery: An Economic History of Child Trafficking in Nigeria (Jan 2021). During this enlightening conversation, Dr. Chapdelaine discusses the historical intersection of economics, trade and labor to explain how and why children have been used for economic purposes. This book and conversation can be particularly valuable to activists who are addressing current social issues focused on women and children. During their conversation Dr. Chapdelaine also discusses her new book project “(When) Will the Joy Come: Black Women in the Ivory Tower.” An edited volume currently in production, the collection of essays explores the experiences of African American women in the academy. Dr. Chapdelaine is an assistant professor in the history department at Duquesne University. Originally from San Jose, California, Dr. Chapdelaine currently lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
More information about Dr. Robin Chapdelaine
More information about her book.
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