
Featured on CEO Blog Nation

Thank you to CEO Blog Nation for featuring me in their article “13 Entrepreneurs Explain How They Use Their Podcast for Business.”   Podcast has contributed to the growth of my business by propelling my reputation as a Subject Matter Expert (SME). People now recognize my value as a social impact strategist, focusing on race […]

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Dr. Michele Reid-Vazquez

Embracing the Full Latino Experience

Latinos of African heritage encounter many challenges with identity when living in the United States. Many are confronted with choosing between being African/African American or Latino/a. The truth is that Afro-Latinos identify with both identities. Why should they choose? In this insightful discussion, Ramona talks to Dr. Michele Reid-Vazquez about Afro-Latinidad and Dr. Reid-Vazquez’s research […]

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Stacy Risco

How to Grow Your Business

Stacy is devoted to helping entrepreneurs make their enterprise as “the business of choice” through her work as a businesses development consultant. Join Ramona today as Stacy outlines the tools and strategies that entrepreneurs need to grow their business. Originally from Connecticut, Stacy is owner of the Pink Patch Group, a business management consulting company […]

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Dr. Daryl Harris

How do you develop your creative abilities?

Today Ramona explores creativity with master artist and professor Dr. Daryl Harris. In this delightful discussion Dr. Harris explains how the performing and visual arts help individuals to enhance and expand their creative ability, a skill needed in all professions. He also shares his beliefs on how individuals can tap into their creative powers and […]

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Gregory Perrin

“Liberty! Equality! and Fireworks!”

Gregory Perrin loves the performing arts and understands the power of this platform. That is why the Pollyanna Theater Company commissioned Gregory to write “Liberty! Equality! and Fireworks!,” a children’s play that celebrates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In his discussion with Ramona, Gregory explains how the arts influences activism and how it can […]

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Dr. Karen Poteete

How can you achieve health, happiness and success in 2021?

Good health is extremely important to having a happy and successful life. As we enter 2021, everyone is recommitting to achieving their goals, including those centered on health and wellness. Today’s guest Dr. Karen Poteete inspires listeners to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Sharing her personal journey through processed hair, unhealthy eating and drinking, and stress, […]

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Lynette Correa-Velez

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) in Higher Education

Lynette Correa-Velez is on a mission to impact college students and alumni as a DEIB coach. In this engaging conversation Ramona and “Dr.” Lynette, as Ramona affirmatively calls her, explore a range of topics including the recent Georgia US Senate run-off elections; embracing family, culture, and community; and advancing student success. Lynette is the Assistant […]

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Gerald Baptiste, Jr

How can we reduce the spread of airborne pathogens like COVID-19?

COVID-19 has disrupted our ability to gather in groups safely. That is why we need new technology to purify the air and make the indoor environment safe, so businesses can drive revenue and we can resume our normal lifestyle. Join Ramona as she talks to Gerald Baptiste, Jr., about photocatalytic oxidation technology, a new product […]

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Stan Watson

Vote, Georgia, Vote! The Runoff Election for US Senate

Political empowerment is important to advancing the interests of the African American and Latino/a communities. That is why Georgians must vote in the upcoming runoff election for US Senate on January 5, 2021. Join Ramona with Stan Watson as they discuss why it is important to vote and understand how government works. A seasoned public […]

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Miguel Cardona on Ramona Houston blog

Miguel Cardona: President-Elect Joe Biden’s Choice for Secretary of Education

Delivering on his promise of creating a diverse administration, President-Elect Joe Biden has announced his nominee Miguel Cardona for Secretary of Education. From Connecticut, Miguel Cordona has an impressive career in public education. According to The Washington Post, Miguel Cardona is an “inspired choice” to serve as the leader of education in our nation. An […]

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