Ramona’s 94-Year-Old Grandmother Continues to Pursue Education
In this episode, Ramona celebrates her grandmother Izora Jones, who turned 94 years old this month! A resident of Fort Worth, Texas, “Dr. Grandmommy,” as Ramona affectionately calls her, is a big advocate for education. She has educated three generations of her offspring, with three of her seven grandchildren earning doctorate degrees. On top of that, she also continues to pursue her own education, by participating in continuing education programs at her local college Tarrant County Junior College. Notably, she has taken over 170 courses and even learned to swim at the age of 64 years! Take it from Izora, you are never too old to learn! Happy birthday Dr. Grandmommy!
To learn more about Izora Jones’ continuing education efforts, read “Pursuit of Knowledge: Senior Eduction Student Takes Lifelong Learning Seriously” by Kendra Prince in Tarrant County College Reach Magazine (2018). You may also see her feature story in the NBC 5 - KXAS local news segment, “NBC 5 Izora Jones Story.” (2018).
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