Dr. Emilio Zamora

Part II: The Social Responsibility of the scholar

Scholars have always played a significant role in movements to advance racial and social justice. In Part II of his conversation with Ramona, Dr. Emilio Zamora discusses why and how scholars should be involved in the community. Dr. Zamora shares his work in Texas in the campaign for Ethnic Studies—involving petitions for inclusion in the […]

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Dr. Emilio Zamora

Part I: The Social Responsibility of the scholar

Scholars have always played a significant role in movements to advance racial and social justice. In Part 1 of his conversation with Ramona, Dr. Emilio Zamora discusses his career trajectory as a Mexican Americanist historian and how his research has shaped his consciousness of social responsibility and his approach as a scholar activist. Expanding on […]

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Sharif El-Mekki

How can communities increase the number of African American teachers?

Many individuals matriculate through their formative years in K-12 education without having an African American teacher. This is a problem for multiple reasons. Listen to Ramona’s conversation with Sharif El-Mekki as they discuss why there are so few African American teachers and what communities must do to intentionally attract them to the profession. The Center […]

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Kamela Boyd

How can African Americans and Latino/as influence media?

Listen to Part II of Ramona’s discussion with Atlanta-based media and communications expert Kamela Boyd. Kamela shares her thoughts about the evolving impact media has on culture and marketing. She also discusses why it is so important for African American and Latino/a professionals to pursue careers in journalism. According to Kamela, media has a profound […]

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Dr. Christine Ortega

How do institutions usher under-represented groups into health professions?

Like many other fields, the health profession lacks diversity, primarily due to the systemic structures that impede access to educational and professional opportunities. In this episode Ramona talks to Dr. Catherine Ortega about careers in health and how institutions and organizations can create pathways, as opposed to pipelines, for career access and success. Dr. Ortega […]

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Joel Alvarado

Part I: How identity shapes leadership

Identity is so important to individuality and leadership. We are all constantly evolving. As many of you know, it is not so important how others define you, as it is for you to define yourself. In Part I of this series, Ramona talks to Joel Alvarado about the evolution of his personal identity. Joel discusses […]

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Saleemah Abdul-Ghafur

Do you need more rest?

What is something everyone needs, but few get enough of it? Rest. Rest and relaxation is vital to productivity and creativity. Rest rejuvenates our minds, bodies and spirits, so that we can enjoy life and perform at our maximum potential. Yet, most of us push ourselves for long hours and rest only enough to keep […]

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Dr. Natalia Molina

A Place at the Nayarit: How a Mexican Restaurant Nourished a Community

There are places in every community where marginalized people come together to affirm their humanity, culture and community. In Los Angeles the Nayarit was one of those esteemed places and spaces. Today Ramona talks to Professor Natalia Molina about her most recent book A Place at the Nayarit: How a Mexican Restaurant Nourished a Community. […]

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Michael H. Ross

How cities create systems to support the growth of black-owned businesses

Are you a business or civic leader seeking to develop black businesses in your community? Then, this episode is for you. Listen to the conversation as Ramona talks to Micheal H. Ross about the long and rich history of black business success in Atlanta, starting in the late nineteenth century through the present. Acknowledged by […]

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Vincenzo Piscopo

Ableism and its impact on inclusion among people with disabilities

Accessibility, an essential component of DEI&A (diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility), is the process of making opportunities, environments, services and products available and usable by all people. Ablism—discrimination in favor of able-bodies people—is the reason accessibility is so important. In their discussion today, Vincenzo Piscopo talks to Ramona about his work in inclusion and accessibility […]

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