
Highlights from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 2019 Leadership Conference “You Count! ¡Tu Cuentas!”

Recently I attended the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) 2019 Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, September 10-11, 2019. Composed of Congressional representatives of Latino heritage and led by Joaquin Castro (D-TX), the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) advocates for issues important to Latinos through the Congressional legislative process. Led by Marco Davis, President and CEO, the […]

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America, Take Responsibility!!!

Categories: Opinion pieces

It has been a painful week. America is here again.  The two-headed merciless monster of hatred and violence have appeared suddenly, terrorizing the nation and piercing the hearts of the innocent.  Now we are all attempting to recover and heal from the shock and the disaster, just trying to understand… Two mass shootings occurring in […]

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Birmingham Freedom Fest 2019!

Birmingham hosted its inaugural Freedom Fest on July 27, 2019, an event honoring the city’s heritage and its legacy and contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.  Featuring musical performances along with empowerment panels, the festival uniquely blended entertainment with social justice.  The Office of the Mayor led by Mayor Randall Woodfin conceptualized and organized the event. […]

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Take Heed to the Border!:

Since children who are detained at the American Southern Border cannot speak for themselves, it is up to us—the loving, the caring, the humane—to make sure that their silent cries are heard. In their article entitled “Migrant child alleges she was ‘beaten and abused’ at Clint, Texas border station,” nbcnews.com ’s Julia Ainsley and Jacob […]

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It’s a New Day in America:

“Time to turn the page and write the new chapter, and what does that look like?” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez It is a new day in America. Today, American is marching “forward.” Yet, many are threatened by the new day and all that it represents. In walks “The Squad”—new leadership for a new day. The self-proclaimed Squad […]

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15th AG Gaston Conference

Categories: Events General Topics

The Birmingham Business Resource Center celebrated Black History Month by hosting the 15th AG Gaston Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, February 12-13, 2019. The theme of this year’s conference was “Bringing to the Forefront the Discussion of African American History, Economics, Politics and Quality of Life.” Convening governmental, corporate, nonprofit, and civic leaders of Birmingham, the […]

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Don’t Mind the Haters

Categories: Inspirational Mondays

“Don’t give any attention to the detractors. When you have them, that means you are on to something.” – unknown Don’t mind the haters. Detractors always seem to appear when you are exhibiting your brilliance. Always keep in mind: detractors never attack mediocrity; they attack excellence and success. Focus not on the haters. Focus on […]

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5 Key Things Every Business Owner Should Know

“Black people must focus on building wealth intentionally, strategically, and quickly.” – Sandra Brazelton, Real Estate Broker Last month I attended the Alabama State Black Chamber of Commerce (ASBCC) 2018 Entrepreneurs and Innovators Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, June 21-22, 2018. Led by Jerry Mitchell, President, the ASBCC is a nonprofit organization committed to advancing the […]

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Top 10 Takeaways from the Southern Association of Women Historians Triennial Conference

Categories: History Profession

This month I attended the Southern Association of Women Historians (SAWH) Triennial Conference at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, June 7-10, 2018. This year’s conference theme was “Resistance, Power, and Accommodation: Women and Southern History.” The SAWH is professional organization of historians that supports the study of women’s history and the work of women […]

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Speak Out and Speak Up America! Separating Children from their Families is NOT American

I returned home Monday on a natural high, having enjoyed a delightful family reunion and a wonderful Father’s Day with family in East St. Louis. As soon as I entered my house, I turned on the television to catch up on the news. I watched and listened in horror. A child who had been separated […]

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