
Inspired by the life of Steve Jobs


Inspirational Blog Background

I never knew much about Steve Jobs.  My introduction and only knowledge of him was through my husband who showed me a video on the Internet of Jobs introducing the iPhone to the world.  Terreon was absolutely elated!  This new phone had all the features that anyone needed…  According to Terreon Steve Jobs and Mac were genius.

Upon Steve Job’s death, I became reacquainted with him and his life’s work.  Every news station enumerated his countless achievements:  co-founder of the Apple Computer, chief executive at Pixar Animation Studios, co-founder of Apple, Inc, etc.  How was Jobs able to accomplish so much in his lifetime?  According to his biographer Walter Isaacson, who I saw in a television interview, Jobs demanded the development of the seemingly impossible and his demands coincided with unreasonable deadlines.  In other words, Jobs sought to execute big ideas on a time limit.  Although this created an uncomfortable and stressful environment for many, the process worked.  Through his leadership Jobs created some of the world’s most innovative technology:  Apple II, iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad.  On top of all of this, he was only 56 years old when he died!  I thought, how did Steve Jobs complete all of this work at 56 years of age?  I feel like I am just getting started at 43!

My Spirit responded, “Finish fast!”…

“Finish Fast!” – Spirit

God has given all of us great Work to do.   Most of us, however, don’t accept our God-given assignment or do the work.  For those of us who do embrace our Work, we never quite finish it or we take too much time to do it.  Most of us suffer from a myriad of self-imposed limitations.  We fear, we lack self-confidence, we don’t feel worthy, we fail to set and meet deadlines, we procrastinate, and we sleep, ultimately lagging behind in God’s great plan for our lives.  Most of us cannot get to our next assignment because we have not finished the one(s) we already have!  Take a lesson Steve Jobs, embrace your assignment, get to work and “finish fast!”  “Finish fast!” so that God can give you your next great Work to do!  On the path of finishing fast, you, too, will achieve your Greatness!



I could not wait to share the spiritual revelation of “finish fast!” with my family.  Upon doing so, I thought to myself that others might be inspired as well.  After some contemplation, as well as thinking about a conversation I had a few years ago with one of my friends Trina Holloway, who encouraged me to share my spiritual revelations, I decided to do just that.  Thus, today begins my weekly inspirational blogs.

Steve Jobs accomplished so much in his life (I cannot wait to read his biography), and he continues to be a light in the world on a spiritual plane.  Through Steve Jobs we learn to “Finish Fast!”  On top of that, I credit Steve Jobs along with Trina Holloway with inspiring the creation of my weekly inspirational blog where on Mondays I will share with the world my spiritual revelations.  I hope that you will be inspired by them as much as I have.  See you next week!

Categories: Opinion pieces


  1. Comment by Alonzo

    Alonzo Reply January 24, 2012 at 1:35 pm


    What a great message. I’d like to say more, but I can’t. I have a project to finish. 🙂


  2. Comment by Deborah Weinstein

    Deborah Weinstein Reply January 24, 2012 at 2:29 pm

    Thank you for sending–look forward to more. Couldn’t agree more about Steve Jobs. I’ve been an avid Apple user and advocate for years.

  3. Comment by R. J. Sibert

    R. J. Sibert Reply January 24, 2012 at 2:52 pm

    Beautiful! I was sitting here on my computer “procrastinating”….doubting whether I could accomplish a major task that I’ve planned for my life. Thanks for the encouragement…..feeling the need to “finish fast”. Looking forward to your weekly inspirations.

  4. Comment by Van Vaughn

    Van Vaughn Reply January 24, 2012 at 3:53 pm

    God indeed tells us to do what our hands find to do. It is so easy to fold the hands and take a little rest instead. It is good to be encouraged tokeep going. Thanks.

  5. Comment by Charles

    Charles Reply January 24, 2012 at 5:36 pm

    Great job. I look the way you put this together…

  6. Comment by Berwin Sheppard

    Berwin Sheppard Reply January 25, 2012 at 9:40 am

    Great words of inspiratiom! You have been working on Gods plan for along time Dr.Houston. This work has inspired me to finish my work given me.

  7. Comment by Nadja von Massow

    Nadja von Massow Reply January 25, 2012 at 10:17 am

    Thank you, Ramona. I completely subscribe to the idea of “finishing” — the speed of which though should always be determined by the requirement to reflect upon one’s work, the quality, the people we work with, and sometimes a necessary second opinion from friends. “Fast” must not be confused with “rushed”.

    I am passionate atheist and somebody who – though impressed by his ideas and technological achievements – is not a big fan of Steve Jobs’ overpowering commercial and money driven business model and no obvious (or publicly known?) philantropic inclination. But I do get a lot of inspiration from people who follow through with a vision, a creative project, a piece of art or scientific research, by keeping the momentum, the genuine passion going; who show perseverance – sometimes against huge obstacles… and finish.

  8. Comment by Ramona Houston

    Ramona Houston Reply January 25, 2012 at 11:18 am

    Everyone, thanks, for all of the great feedback!

    Nadja, you are so correct: there is a difference between “fast” and “rushed.” The point is that we need to move forward expeditiously to the finish line and not dilly dally along the way.

    As for Steve Jobs, I totally agree how people inspire us in some ways, where in other ways they do not. Thanks for the insight!

  9. Comment by Trina

    Trina Reply January 25, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    Love it! Glad to know you are starting a passion that I am sure will inspire others.
    I had no idea I gave you a little push :-). Look foward to reading more.

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