
Inspired by Chris Brogan


We are quickly approaching the last few days of January, and, hopefully, you have not abandoned those New Year’s resolutions that you made just a few weeks ago.  Of course, like everyone else, I set my resolutions, which were comprised of numerous personal and professional goals.  In the midst of preparing mentally for the New Year, I received my daily newsletter from the Hispanic PR Blog.  The newsletter featured an article entitled “Three Must-Read Post to Begin the New Year.”  I was especially inspired by the newsletter’s #1 post entitled “Three Words” by Chris Brogan.  It totally changed my approach to setting my New Year’s resolutions.  (You must check out Chris Brogan’s “My 3 Words for 2012.”)  In his blog Chris Brogan encourages individuals to forego the idea of resolutions and identify three words that will guide you towards your destiny, through your challenges, and into your Greatness.  My three words for 2012 are:  finish fast! flourish! fly!

 My Three Words for 2012

Finish fast!  I will finish the work that God has given me to do, and finish it fast, so that I can move on to the next God-given assignment.  Procrastination and perfection will no longer impede or delay my success.  (For a more extensive explanation of finish fast, see my “Finish Fast!” post inspired by the life of Steve Jobs.)

Flourish! I will thrive and prosper in the work that God has me to do.  My tree will bear fruit!

Fly!  I will stop depending solely on my own limited abilities.  I will faithfully spread my wings and jump out into the Universe of infinite possibilities and allow Spirit to be the wind beneath my wings!


I am so excited and energized by my three words!  No matter what goal or task I am working on, evoking these three words into my Mind and Spirit are just what I need to keep me moving forward and staying on Purpose.  I hope that you are inspired to determine your own three words, and that these words will keep you inspired and ultimately propel you into your Greatness in 2012 and beyond!

Thank you, Chris Brogan, for “My Three Words”!!!

Categories: Opinion pieces

1 comment

  1. Comment by Clestine

    Clestine Reply January 30, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    Love it! Thanks for sharing Ramona!

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